Sunday, March 31, 2013

Red Rocks Bound

It was a perfect day for a spring hike at Red Rocks. 
 Hank hiked the entire 1.5 mile loop, discovered cacti and cool looking monster shapes in the rocks, and as always,
 found some really cool sticks with Radar. 
We love our family hikes!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Springtime and Mud Mayhem

Ah, Spring is here. 
 Time to gaze out onto our still frozen Lake Evergreen.
 There are a few spots along the creek that are flowing. 
Hank enjoyed poking at all the ice with a stick.
 Yes, there are definitely mud puddles, too.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Passover 2013

It's our first official Passover in our new home back in Evergreen. 
We got to celebrate with both family and friends this year. 
As tradition goes, Hank got busy making matzah balls with his cousins,
 and this year, his friend, Eli joined us.
During the seder, Hank got to drink some Passover juice.
After the seder, it was time for some yummy food and some silly faces.
No seder is complete without the afikomen.  Once found, everyone got a golden dollar. 
 What a wonderful Passover!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Silly Faces with Grandma Marcy

Hank and Grandma played fun games together today.
 The best part of the games was snuggling at the end.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pillows, Pajamas and Bedtime Rituals

After our Tot Shabbat services with our congregation (CBE - Congregation Beth Evergreen), we participated in CBE's first Parent/Tot class.  Today was all about creating Jewish Betime Rituals.  Hank got to wear his PJ's and decorate his own Sh'ma pillowcase.  He loved it!
Here is Hank and all of his CBE friends showing off their hard work. 
Shabbat Shalom!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Magical Muddy Day

Today Hank met up with his friends, Luke and Maria,
 to make a muddy mess at Chatfield Botanic Gardens.
Here's the trio exploring the first mud puddle they could find.
 After that, it was time to do some fishing. 
After fishing, they marched on over to a fort.
 Yep, the fort was pretty cool.
 Last, but not least, Hank discovered an old combine. 
Hank's loving these early spring adventures with his friends.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sledding Side by Side

Thank you, Eli, for letting us speed down your driveway.  Sledding rocks!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Snowman Building Day

We got a ton of wet, heavy snow today, just in time for us to head to Golden, CO for some snowman building fun with our new friends, Sarah, Matt and Mira. 
Hank and Mira got to work right away.
Then it was time for Ari and Matt to do the heavy lifting.
Before the snowman got too tall, Hank stopped to be "on top of the world!"
 Hank chose to call it a day before the snowman was completely finished,
 but Mira made it to the end. 
Now that's a snowman!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

All Over Town

Today we traveled all over town to spend time with family. 
 First, we traveled down the hill to Boulder to visit Aunt Rachel, Sierra and Ryder. 
After a good meal, the cousins burned off some energy.
Check them out in action (click on the video link below) . . .
From there, we drove to Denver to visit Grandma Marcy.  How did Hank feel about his day?
This video says it all (click on link below) . . .