Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Thinking Chair

Some things take time and a good book does the trick!

Hank's newest friend, Carolyn

Yep, Hank's got another new friend! 
In fact, Carolyn and her parents are part of our Tot Chavurah at Congregation Beth Evergreen.  Better yet, Carolyn goes to the same school as Hank, her family lives in our old neighborhood, and they love to hike and camp. Wahoo!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Crazy Cousin Fun at Rock Creek Farms

Now that it's Fall, and Rock Creek Farms is open,
 we met up with Aunt Rachel, Sierra and Ryder for some fun times. 
Hank loved it all, including making "music" on the pumpkins.
Here's Hank and Ryder cruising along on the bales of hay.
We can't forget the farm animals . . . Sierra and Hank greeted them all -  goats, cows, pigs and sheep.
Then after a quick snack,
 it was time to enjoy the giant slide!
 What a great morning!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

An Attempt at Fall Family Photos

We tried many, many times.   
Goldfish crackers didn't even do the trick. 
Hello Autumn and hello to life with a two year old!

Fall Flakes

On our trip up to 10,000 ft to see all the Fall colors, it began to snow. 
 Hank immediately proclaimed that it was winter and couldn't wait to romp in whatever snow he could find.
So much for Fall!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Backyard Tent Time

This is the closest we've gotten to camping this year, but Hank doesn't mind a bit.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fire Fighter in Training

Look what Hank got to do at the Evergreen Fire Rescue Safety Day!

Friday, September 21, 2012


Today Hank wanted to hang out by the creek. 
So, with snack and rock in hand, his creekside adventure began.
After throwing rocks in the water, Hank and Radar moved on to gathering fishing poles.
Hank didn't mind the fact that he didn't catch any fish.
In fact, hanging out at the creek was nothing short of totally cool!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Day Full of Friends

Hank had the busiest, most fun day full of friendship! 
 It all started at Jennie's house in Lafayette where Hank and Jennie dug into birthday cupcakes in honor of Mommy and Nana Pat's birthdays. 
Then we drove about 50 feet down the street (literally) 
over to Max and Bella's house for lunch and more play. 
 Once we got home and rested for a bit, we had a surprise visit from Hank's buddy, JJ. 
The boys played until bedtime. 
 We know Hank will sleep well tonight!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Three Musketeers!

They play,
they ride,
they eat!
Carry on, Musketeers (Max, Bella and Hank)!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

One Last Summer Splash

Before putting away the pool for the winter, Hank wanted one last splash. 
Thank you, Daddy, for the addition of plenty of warm water from the kitchen sink!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Early Morning Visitor in the Backyard

 In the stillness and quiet of the early morning . . .