Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Play Date with Ellie

 Hank got to play at Ellie's house today.  
Ellie's mommy, Gina, is Mommy's good friend from her teaching days.  
Ellie taught Hank to paint with water colors, which was a great first experience for him. 
 Of course, she also taught Hank how to jump on the couch.  
Oh boy!  Ellie is Hank's new hero!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Grandpa Eli's in Town!

 Grandpa Eli is in town for a visit!  
We started the morning off at a local restaurant for a yummy family breakfast.
 Afterwards, Hank got to explore a local fire truck near our house.
 Hank also got his first face painting, although it was really on his arm 
(he loved watching his spider amazingly come "alive").  
After such a busy morning, Hank was happy to settle down in Grandpa's arms for some story time.
 Later that day, Grandpa Eli, Aunt Rachel, Sierra and Ryder all came over to play. 
 Just think, we get to do this all over again tomorrow!  Yeah!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Off to Hawaii . . . Permanently!

Our Evergreen friends, Sara, John and JJ are moving to Hawaii!  
Today we drove to Evergreen for a farewell play date.  
Distance can never separate such dear friends.
Time to get ready for those cross country phone calls!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Radar's 8th Birthday

Radar's the birthday boy today!  
Happy Birthday, Radar!  We love you!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Birthday Play Date with Jennie

 Today Hank had another birthday celebration!  
Hank's friend, Jennie, invited us over to her Nana Pat's house for a play date.  Jennie's mommy, Lisa, baked up special cupcakes for us all to enjoy for snack.
Mmmmmm - cake!
 After snack, Hank got several gifts.  
Here he is reading his new "Poke-a-Dot!" Old MacDonald's Farm book where he gets to push in dots that make popping sounds as you count the animals on each page. 
 Hank definitely agrees that no child should go without one of these 
(shh - it may even be better than a new toy truck)!
 Of course, Jennie preferred to stick with her favorite, Curious George.
 Out of all the toys Nana Pat had for Hank to play with, he enjoyed Nana Pat's exercise balls the most.
Why does this not surprise us?!
Thank you, friends, for making Hank's 2nd birthday so special!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Two Years Old

Today Hank turned two years old. . . . time for an update!
Hank is a small, but healthy little boy - 34 inches long (25-50th%ile) and 24 lbs 8 oz (10th%ile).  
Hank's favorite toys are trucks.  Trucks like "push" (bulldozers) and "dig" (frontloaders) are favorites.
Hank's favorite hat is his kippah.  He even sleeps with it.
He loves to eat with a spoon - no forks, please.
Food must be in a bowl or container.  Plates and baggies are so yesterday's news.
Meat just isn't cool, but spaghetti rules.  Baked Lay's are pretty good, too.
Going to the pool is the best thing ever.  Having to leave is the worst.
Baths are okay, especially when you get a stamp on your belly afterwards.
Dancing fast is fun.  
Being outside in the snow is fine, as long as you don't touch it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hank and His Kippah

Hank has always loved hats, but over the last couple of weeks, he's been attached to his kippah, or as Hank says, his "ka".  He even insists on sleeping with it.  Good night, Hank, for tomorrow you turn two years old!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Birthday Party Fun with the Family!

Today we celebrated Hank's 2nd Birthday.
 Hank invited Grandma Marcy, Aunt Rachel, Sierra and Ryder over for his party.
 After a yummy breakfast, Hank enjoyed opening his gifts. 
 Here he is checking out the new bath toys the Matz Family got for him.
Of course, what is a party without some good old fashioned play?!
Happy Birthday, Hank!  Mommy and Daddy love you!!