Monday, August 29, 2011

Pool Play Date

Hank and Mommy have joined a play group.
Today's play date was at Nicole and Isabella's neighborhood pool in Boulder.  
 After swimming, Hank, Isabella and Aiden enjoyed frozen yogurt tubes for snack.  Yum!
What a great start to the week!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Fun in Nederland

Today Hank went to Ned for a play date with his cousin Ryder.
The boys chilled out during the car ride to the carousel.
This was Hank's first time on a carousel and he LOVED it!
The boys finished off their morning at the playground doing what boys do best - having fun!

Monday, August 15, 2011

18 Months Old

It's update time again!
Here's what's going on with Hank:

Hank is officially a walker. It happened mid July and now there's no turning back! Hank babbles constantly and is big into communicating with sign language. He loves reading, Sesame Street, balls, being outside, and playing on all the playground equipment.

Hank transitioned down to one 2-2.5 hour nap about a month ago. He still sleeps around 12 hours at night, which helps all of us get our rest.

As for food likes/dislikes, he still is not a big milk fan unless it is disguised in shakes, oatmeal, cereal, etc. Protein is not his favorite, either, although his likes his chicken/apple sausage and a bit of bacon. He also LOVES the sweet corn soup at Chili's Restaurant.

As for his stats, he weighs in at 22 lb. 7oz (10th%), is 32.5 inches long (75th%) and has a head circumference of 18 7/8 inches (above the 50th%).

He is healthy and happy!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Morning with Grandma Marcy

After breakfast out on the town, we all went back to Grandma Marcy's to relax.
Always good to get some love from Grandma!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Berry Patch Farms

Today we went to a local farm with our friends, the Rabes.
Jennie and Hank were ready to meet the animals!
The resident goat eagerly greeted Jennie.
Hank got to touch the farm's very well fed pig.
We met a turkey . . .
and a rooster with feathers on its legs!
We even took a family picture surrounded by Mommy's favorite-sunflowers!
Before our visit to the farm ended, Hank enjoyed walking through the fields.
Maybe next year, when Hank and Jennie are bigger, we'll actually pick berries!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cousin's Play Date at Scott Carpenter Park

Today was all about fun with Hank's cousins in Boulder!
Hank loved swinging with Ryder, and Sierra did a great job of pushing both boys.
Hank also held his own as he enjoyed climbing around the playground equipment with Sierra.
After a snack, Hank and Ryder took a stroll before calling it a day.
What a great way to start our Saturday!