Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Thirteen Months

So much is going on with our little girl these days. First, after 13 months of nursing, Ilana is now fully weaned. She doesn't yet like cow's milk, but with a little bit of vanilla syrup, she manages to drink a bit in the mornings. Second, she is pulling up on everything and can climb up one stair. Of course, she needs assistance getting back down and we're all, especially Henry, more than happy to help her. 

Ilana has two words now - she says "Hi" whenever she puts anything up to her ear. I guess she sees us talking on the phone a lot! She also now says "baby" when she plays with dolls - she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES dolls.

Ilana now has 6 teeth and is enjoying driving her car, riding on the tricycle and going for early morning walks with Mommy. So many changes so quickly. She's keeping us on our toes!

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