Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ilana is 14 months

Yep, Ilana's getting ready to walk! Ilana stands up all the time now, for several seconds at a time. She enjoys walking while you hold her hands and is starting to use push toys. She also just got two new top teeth, for a total of 8 chompers so far. She is obsessed with balls, or at least saying and making the sign for ball.  She can now sign "dog," "more," "baby," "ball", "hat," and her usual "all done." She can say dog ("dah"), baby ("dady") and ball ("bah"). Ilana can climb up stairs, but needs help getting back down. She is trying a variety of new foods. She doesn't seem interested in bread type foods, but enjoys her cheese and meat, particularly sausage and hot dogs. She's not crazy about chicken or ground beef. She doesn't care for berries yet, but does enjoy fruit cups.

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