Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Winakers Come to Visit!

 Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Ali, and Cousins Sophie, Max & Toby came to visit us. The last time we were all together, Henry was just 18 months old. How times have changed! Hooray for family!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Henry's first day of Kindergarten

First day of Kindergarten was a breeze. Henry is now an extended day student in his Montessori school where he's been with the same incredible teachers for 3 years now. Here's to being a leader in the primary classroom!

Ilana is 14 months

Yep, Ilana's getting ready to walk! Ilana stands up all the time now, for several seconds at a time. She enjoys walking while you hold her hands and is starting to use push toys. She also just got two new top teeth, for a total of 8 chompers so far. She is obsessed with balls, or at least saying and making the sign for ball.  She can now sign "dog," "more," "baby," "ball", "hat," and her usual "all done." She can say dog ("dah"), baby ("dady") and ball ("bah"). Ilana can climb up stairs, but needs help getting back down. She is trying a variety of new foods. She doesn't seem interested in bread type foods, but enjoys her cheese and meat, particularly sausage and hot dogs. She's not crazy about chicken or ground beef. She doesn't care for berries yet, but does enjoy fruit cups.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Rocky Mtn National Park Camping Trip 2015

Four days and three nights of camping for the boys. Henry even became a Junior Ranger!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Aunt Caryl's 2015 visit

Aunt Caryl (Grandma Harriet's best friend from high school) comes to see us each year. 
We are so blessed to be loved so much. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Mommy Henry Date Night

Mommy and Henry had our first evening out together, just the two of us, since Ilana's birth. 
I think it was a success!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Thirteen Months

So much is going on with our little girl these days. First, after 13 months of nursing, Ilana is now fully weaned. She doesn't yet like cow's milk, but with a little bit of vanilla syrup, she manages to drink a bit in the mornings. Second, she is pulling up on everything and can climb up one stair. Of course, she needs assistance getting back down and we're all, especially Henry, more than happy to help her. 

Ilana has two words now - she says "Hi" whenever she puts anything up to her ear. I guess she sees us talking on the phone a lot! She also now says "baby" when she plays with dolls - she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES dolls.

Ilana now has 6 teeth and is enjoying driving her car, riding on the tricycle and going for early morning walks with Mommy. So many changes so quickly. She's keeping us on our toes!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Ilana's One Year Checkup

Our baby girl is a healthy, happy one year old! 
She is 30 inches long (75th%) and 20 lbs (25th%). 
She loves cheese and any food with pasta, but so far, does not care for cow's milk. 
She still nurses on demand, takes 2 naps a day and sleeps from 6PM-6AMish.  
Ilana loves all electronics, especially remote controls - and she can spot a fake "pretend" one from a mile away. She is already trying to stand on her own, too! She just loves her big brother and can't wait to play with him each day. Henry loves her, too!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Turning One in the Sun

We headed to FL for a family vacation and celebrated Ilana's 1st Birthday, as well! 
While Ilana took her morning naps, Henry, Daddy and Grandpa hit the beach.

 Then came Ilana's first birthday. 

Lots of family memories in the making!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Hiking Boys

The whole family hiked at Elk Meadow this morning. It was a two hour, 2.5 mile hike and Henry made it the whole way. He and Daddy enjoyed a couple of well deserved snack breaks, too!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ilana at 11 months

Just recently, Ilana started crawling a lot. In addition to that, she woke up one morning with two new teeth - that's a total of 5 chompers. She is growing and changing quickly!
Ilana has also started to become a bit more picky about food and likes to have a wide variety from which to choose. She still doesn't like utensils, either. We also finally got rid of the last of her cradle cap - stubborn stuff!
Wherever you see Ilana, you will also see her Lambie. They are inseparable.
Ilana still nurses and when she doesn't get milk served right away, she bites her mommy's shoulder - ouch! We are looking forward to her developing a love of cow's milk once she's a year old ;)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Crazy Sock Day

Henry wore his socks on his hair for crazy sock day this year at school. They didn't stay in very long, but it was a very clever idea!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ilana is Ten Months Old

Here's what's going on with our little Ilana:
Ilana can sign "all done" and "milk". She understands additional signs such as "eat" and "dog." 
She likes to clap and have you clap for her
She loves meat, especially sausage and hot dogs. She is just now starting to have food preferences.
She has three teeth (the third is one of her upper front teeth)
She almost always sleeps through the night (6PM-6AM)
She only knows how to drink from a straw - no traditional sippy cups (we're working on this)
She can crawl backward (push herself backward), but isn't yet crawling or pulling herself forward
She loves playing with hot wheels cars (that's what happens when you have an older brother)

*** just days after turning 10 months, Ilana sat up from a laying down position for the very first time.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Ilana is 9 Months Old

     Here's what's going on with our little 9 month old girl!
  • typically sleeps through the night from 6PM-6AM
  • takes two 1.5 hour naps each day (8:30-10 and 1:00-2:30)
  • wants to be held most of the time
  • scoots herself 1-2 feet when sitting, but no forward action in terms of crawling
  • eats everything you give her, but only wants to feed herself - not very interested in utensils
  • loves sippy cups with straws. Not quite sure what do to with other types of sippy cups
  • loves her "lambie" for naps/bedtime
  • wants to do everything herself 
  • very sensorial - wants to touch and taste everything

Monday, March 23, 2015

We're Officially Hiking in a Backpack Carrier

Now we are ready for some real hiking adventures!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spring Family Visits

Grandpa came to town to visit. Ilana was clearly thrilled!

 And the weather was perfect for an outdoor play date with the cousins. 
 What a great time!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Purim 2015

Purim is here and the kids loved getting dressed up 
before the big carnival at Congregation Beth Evergreen.
(well, Mommy forgot to bring the cow hat that goes with Ilana's costume - oops)!
 We had a blast with all our friends, including Rabbi Jamie! 
Now, let's eat some hamantashen!!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Bruce and Elaine Come To Visit

Mommy's cousin, Bruce, came with Aunt Elaine to visit us for the weekend. 
It was Elaine and Ilana's first time meeting. They were instant friends.
Ilana took to Bruce very quickly, too. So much snuggling.
And we can't leave out a quick photo op in between sledding runs!

We also got to sneak out of the house Saturday night for a grown up night out on the town.

Sunday morning, it was finally time to say our goodbyes.
Henry gave Bruce and Elaine a farewell, "Shake Your Booty" dance.
We even snuck in a family photo - a miracle!

Until our next visit - we love you!!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Little Ilana is Eight Months Old

Well, well, well. Look who's eight months old? 
Ilana's got her two bottom teeth now, 
loves bacon and graham crackers, 
bouncing and being thrown up in the air, 
and watching everything her big brother does. 
It's a good life!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Goodbye Tonsils

Henry got his tonsils and adenoids removed today. He was very brave.
He followed all the nurses' directions.
 He even got to watch TV in the recovery room. Watching TV in bed rocked!
 After a few days, our sweet Henry was starting to feel like himself again.
 Goodbye tonsils, hello happy Henry!