Saturday, December 27, 2014

Ilana is six Months Old!

Half a year has already passed out for this baby girl!

She can't quite yet sit up by herself, but she does sleep through the night (6pm-6am) with just a dreamfeed around 9pm, so that counts for a lot! 

In fact, she just recently dropped down to 2 naps a day (8:30ish-10:30ish & 1:00ish-3:00ish). 

She is starting to eat solids, although it's just a little bit and not very consistent. So far, her favorite is sweet potatoes. 

She is teething a lot, but there are no chompers showing just yet.

Update at 6 months and 1 week: Ilana is eating up a storm and had her 6 month checkup.
Weight: 16 lbs. 8.7oz (50th%)
Height: 27.5 inches (95th%)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Our First Trip to Florida as a Family of Four

We're off to Florida to visit Grandpa, Cindy and Teddy!
First day was all about the beach and tummy time with Grandpa.

Although it was a bit too cold to swim, we spent a lot of time in the backyard playing by the pool. Ilana chose to soak in the sun in her bumbo.
 Henry loved racing his cars.

In fact, Henry did some real racing and big kid fun at Zoomers.

Back at the house, there was a lot of sibling bonding this trip, too.
 Ilana also got tons of love from Grandpa and Cindy.
 Before bedtime, everyone got snuggle time.

 Since it is almost Hannukah, Grandpa helped Henry make menorahs for him and Ilana.

And here's the best family photo we got.
 Ah, family, sun and memories!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Gobble Gobble!
So much love this holiday season . . . 

 Family traditions, family love.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Sleeping, Eating, Swinging

 Well, three new firsts happened within days of each other for Alana. First, Mommy forgot to wake up to do a dream feed with Alana, and guess what, Alana still slept through the night! Good bye nightly dream feeds! 

Second, Alana went in her outdoor swing for the first time. She loved it, of course. Hoping we get to swing once or twice more before winter weather sets in . . . .
 Lastly, she practically begged for solid food, so we fed her. Here's to a yummy first feeding!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Crashing in the Crib

Due to reflux issues, Alana has spent the first four months of her life, snoozing away in the Rock and Play Sleeper. She slept, well, like a baby.
With a little tweaking to angle her crib and make it cozy, Alana now sleeps in her crib. Yay!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

 Ninja Henry got an early jump on the day, trick or treating started at 3PM near our local stores.
By the time we were done, his bucket was pretty heavy.
As we waited for evening to come for the second round of trick or treating, Groucho and Super Baby Alana smiled for pics.
 Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Alana is 4 months old

Look who's 4 months old?
Let's see what little Alana is up to . . .
1. Sleeping - yes, she sleeps through the night from 6PM-6AM with one dream feed at 10PM
2. Nursing - Alana nurses approximately 5 times a day, in 4 hour cycles. 
She is a very efficient nurser and a very big burper/spitter upper! In fact, she sleeps in a rocker to help with the reflux. She has yet to sleep in a crib.
3. Growing - she weighs 14 lbs 1oz (50-75th%) and is 25.5 inches long (90th%)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cousins' Annual Halloween Get Together

Happy Halloween! Let's get this Cousins' party started on a healthy note . . . 

After some snacking, all the kids gathered round Grandpa Eli for some costume picture fun.
 Superbaby Alana wasn't quite sure what to think about all the commotion, but she held her own.
 Big brother, Henry (Hank is going by his full name now), 
carved his pumpkin all by himself this year.
 After carving, the kids worked up an appetite. Time to decorate cookies!
 After dessert, it was back outside for some last minute family pictures with Grandpa. 
Ladies first . . . 
 And then all of the grandchildren.
 Even Mommy got a pic with Alana.
 Love our family howliday tradition.

Monday, October 20, 2014