Saturday, December 27, 2014

Ilana is six Months Old!

Half a year has already passed out for this baby girl!

She can't quite yet sit up by herself, but she does sleep through the night (6pm-6am) with just a dreamfeed around 9pm, so that counts for a lot! 

In fact, she just recently dropped down to 2 naps a day (8:30ish-10:30ish & 1:00ish-3:00ish). 

She is starting to eat solids, although it's just a little bit and not very consistent. So far, her favorite is sweet potatoes. 

She is teething a lot, but there are no chompers showing just yet.

Update at 6 months and 1 week: Ilana is eating up a storm and had her 6 month checkup.
Weight: 16 lbs. 8.7oz (50th%)
Height: 27.5 inches (95th%)

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