Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cousins' Annual Halloween Get Together

Happy Halloween! Let's get this Cousins' party started on a healthy note . . . 

After some snacking, all the kids gathered round Grandpa Eli for some costume picture fun.
 Superbaby Alana wasn't quite sure what to think about all the commotion, but she held her own.
 Big brother, Henry (Hank is going by his full name now), 
carved his pumpkin all by himself this year.
 After carving, the kids worked up an appetite. Time to decorate cookies!
 After dessert, it was back outside for some last minute family pictures with Grandpa. 
Ladies first . . . 
 And then all of the grandchildren.
 Even Mommy got a pic with Alana.
 Love our family howliday tradition.

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