Monday, February 18, 2013

Winter Weather in FL

It may not have been snowing, but for several days, it got too rainy or cold for the beach, so we headed out for some other FL fun.  First up, the Imaginarium, where Daddy and Hank became meteorologists and news stars.
Looks like we're forecasting lots of smiles!
The next day we explored the Naples Zoo,
took walks with Poohpa,
and learned some new climbing skills.
After that, we headed to the beaches of Sarasota to meet up with Mommy's longtime friend, Michelle. 
 In between all the activity, Hank had lots of fun exploring new restaurants. 
He played with Cindy . . .
and hung out with Poohpa.
As the warm weather slowly returned, we met up with "Uncle" Paul at the
 Nature Perserve and Fun Park.
Check out who just hatched - Hankasaurus!
 As if all this crazy fun wasn't enough,
the heat is returning tomorrow -  looks like our final day will be perfect for the beach.
  Let's go, Poohpa!!

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