Friday, February 8, 2013

Three Years Old!

Happy Birthday, Hankasaurus!

Hank is a thoughtful, outgoing and affectionate little boy (oh, and quite verbal, too).  He's definitely more on the cautious side now, as he no longer fearlessly climbs high jungle gyms or comes down high slides the way he did a year ago (he says he'll do this when he's a little older).

He loves his carbs and still avoids meat at all costs (except for turkey bacon).  Hank even has a favorite utensil - a yellow spoon with green dots.  It's the best part of every meal.

As far as interests go, Hank enjoys dinosaurs, trains, cars, trucks, blue blanket, green blanket and books.  Lately, Hank is into pretending to be various types of monsters, dragons, dinosaurs and animals.  His favorite shows are Go Diego Go and Mike the Knight.

He naps 2 hours a day and sleeps about 11 hours each night. Hank is also left handed, but appears to be right footed in sports.  We can't wait to see what changes come this next year. We love you soooooo much!

Here's the little guy's stats:
Height: 36.6 inches (10-20th%tile)
Weight: 28.2 pounds (20th %ile)

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