Thursday, February 28, 2013

Just Another Day in the Park

Hank's good buddy, Andrew, joined us for a hike this morning at the dog park.
 There was a lot of goofing around, of course.
 One day, these boys will be climbing 14ers together.  Hike on, boys!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snow Plow Smiles

Best snow plow service ever!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Boy

It's our first day back home after vacation in Florida and we're already back in the winter groove. 
Here's Hank making a snow angel.
 Ah, snow!

Radar's Ninth Birthday

Yep, Radar's still quite the hiker. 
 Happy Birthday - we love you!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Florida Finale

On his last day in Florida, Hank found a way to leave his mark.
Until next time . . . !

Monday, February 18, 2013

Winter Weather in FL

It may not have been snowing, but for several days, it got too rainy or cold for the beach, so we headed out for some other FL fun.  First up, the Imaginarium, where Daddy and Hank became meteorologists and news stars.
Looks like we're forecasting lots of smiles!
The next day we explored the Naples Zoo,
took walks with Poohpa,
and learned some new climbing skills.
After that, we headed to the beaches of Sarasota to meet up with Mommy's longtime friend, Michelle. 
 In between all the activity, Hank had lots of fun exploring new restaurants. 
He played with Cindy . . .
and hung out with Poohpa.
As the warm weather slowly returned, we met up with "Uncle" Paul at the
 Nature Perserve and Fun Park.
Check out who just hatched - Hankasaurus!
 As if all this crazy fun wasn't enough,
the heat is returning tomorrow -  looks like our final day will be perfect for the beach.
  Let's go, Poohpa!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Beach Time!

Hank's first day in FL was all about the beach, and boy, did he have fun!
Mommy and Hank ran with the waves and chased birds up and down the beach.
 Then Hank and Ari had some special Daddy/son time.
What a way to make waves on our first day of vacation!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Hank's MSE Birthday Celebration

Montessori School of Evergreen (MSE) has a special way of marking each child's birthday.  
Here Hank is putting the months of the year around the sun.

Afterwards, Hank walked around the sun three times while holding the globe. 
After each rotation, his teacher, Yvonne, read a dictated sentence from his picture timeline which contained a photo from his birth and each year of his life.
Then it was time for singing followed by hugs from his teachers, Anne Marie,
 and Yvonne.
 Finally, Hank presented his class with a gift, in honor of his birthday. 
Now one of Hank's current favorite books, Frogs, sits proudly on his classroom library shelf.

We are so grateful for the wonderful, caring MSE community where Hank is blossoming.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Story Time with Grandma

After his post party nap, Hank read stories with Grandma Marcy. 
 What a cozy and calming way to finish up a spectacular birthday weekend.

Birthday Party Time

Today Hank and his friends dove into fun at the Tumblebugs gym in Evergreen.
 After an hour of romping, the gymnasts showed off their ribbons before heading to the party room.
This year, it was all about cars.
Following Daddy's tradition, Hank even got a fourth candle for good luck. 
Here's to turning 3 years old! 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Three Years Old!

Happy Birthday, Hankasaurus!

Hank is a thoughtful, outgoing and affectionate little boy (oh, and quite verbal, too).  He's definitely more on the cautious side now, as he no longer fearlessly climbs high jungle gyms or comes down high slides the way he did a year ago (he says he'll do this when he's a little older).

He loves his carbs and still avoids meat at all costs (except for turkey bacon).  Hank even has a favorite utensil - a yellow spoon with green dots.  It's the best part of every meal.

As far as interests go, Hank enjoys dinosaurs, trains, cars, trucks, blue blanket, green blanket and books.  Lately, Hank is into pretending to be various types of monsters, dragons, dinosaurs and animals.  His favorite shows are Go Diego Go and Mike the Knight.

He naps 2 hours a day and sleeps about 11 hours each night. Hank is also left handed, but appears to be right footed in sports.  We can't wait to see what changes come this next year. We love you soooooo much!

Here's the little guy's stats:
Height: 36.6 inches (10-20th%tile)
Weight: 28.2 pounds (20th %ile)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

First Time on Skates

This morning we headed to Lake Evergreen for Hank's first ice skating adventure.  Hank enjoyed skating fast with Mommy and Daddy.
 He also enjoyed cruising with his buddy, Rochelle.
 Here are some of Hank's graceful first steps on the ice . . .

Looks like Hank has found another way to enjoy our gorgeous Colorado winters!