Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Two Years Old

Today Hank turned two years old. . . . time for an update!
Hank is a small, but healthy little boy - 34 inches long (25-50th%ile) and 24 lbs 8 oz (10th%ile).  
Hank's favorite toys are trucks.  Trucks like "push" (bulldozers) and "dig" (frontloaders) are favorites.
Hank's favorite hat is his kippah.  He even sleeps with it.
He loves to eat with a spoon - no forks, please.
Food must be in a bowl or container.  Plates and baggies are so yesterday's news.
Meat just isn't cool, but spaghetti rules.  Baked Lay's are pretty good, too.
Going to the pool is the best thing ever.  Having to leave is the worst.
Baths are okay, especially when you get a stamp on your belly afterwards.
Dancing fast is fun.  
Being outside in the snow is fine, as long as you don't touch it.

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