Monday, February 13, 2012

Birthday Play Date with Jennie

 Today Hank had another birthday celebration!  
Hank's friend, Jennie, invited us over to her Nana Pat's house for a play date.  Jennie's mommy, Lisa, baked up special cupcakes for us all to enjoy for snack.
Mmmmmm - cake!
 After snack, Hank got several gifts.  
Here he is reading his new "Poke-a-Dot!" Old MacDonald's Farm book where he gets to push in dots that make popping sounds as you count the animals on each page. 
 Hank definitely agrees that no child should go without one of these 
(shh - it may even be better than a new toy truck)!
 Of course, Jennie preferred to stick with her favorite, Curious George.
 Out of all the toys Nana Pat had for Hank to play with, he enjoyed Nana Pat's exercise balls the most.
Why does this not surprise us?!
Thank you, friends, for making Hank's 2nd birthday so special!!

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