Sunday, August 8, 2010

Six Months Old and Blossoming

Yep - it's been half a year already! Here's what's going on with Hank . . .

Hank now weighs 16 lbs. 12.5 oz. (40th%tile).

He is 26.5 inches long (60th%ile) and has a head circumference of 17.25 inches (50th%ile).

Hank can sit when supported and can roll from his back to his belly.

He enjoys sleeping on his side and banging his feet on his crib mattress, too.

Hank currently likes sweet potatoes, winter squashes, pears, apples and yogurt. He's not really into the green veggies or oatmeal/barley/rice cereals.

Hank breastfeeds 5 times a day (one is dreamfeed). He does not take a bottle or a pacifier. He has one tooth.

Currently, Hank takes 3 naps a day (2 hours each), but is showing signs that he is ready to drop his late afternoon nap. He goes down for the night at 6PM and starts his day at 6AM. No nap or sleep is complete without his blanket.

While we look forward to the next developmental milestones, we are also simply enjoying the journey along the way!

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