Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Greenberg/Matz First Camping Trip

For our first family camping trip, we stayed close to the Matz Family Farm (just in case) at a campsite in Nederland.
Ari chose a nice spot for our tent (pictured on the left).

First order of business was letting Hank eat. Sierra did a superb job of feeding Hank his carrots - he gobbled them all up!

After the boys went to bed, it was time to feed ourselves. We cooked up a feast of corn, potatoes, steak and chicken.

And no camping trip is complete without smores for dessert.

For the night's encore, Sierra gave us all glowsticks for a totally psychedelic experience. Then it was off to bed.

In the morning, Hank was all smiles in the tent.

Hank started his day in his daddy's arms.

Then it was time for a morning story.

As appetites built up for breakfast, Hank and Ryder hung out.

Hank finished the morning around the fire with some cuddle time with his Aunt Rachel.
After our bellies were full, it was time for one last hike.

Until next year when we do it all over again!

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