Monday, February 11, 2013

Hank's MSE Birthday Celebration

Montessori School of Evergreen (MSE) has a special way of marking each child's birthday.  
Here Hank is putting the months of the year around the sun.

Afterwards, Hank walked around the sun three times while holding the globe. 
After each rotation, his teacher, Yvonne, read a dictated sentence from his picture timeline which contained a photo from his birth and each year of his life.
Then it was time for singing followed by hugs from his teachers, Anne Marie,
 and Yvonne.
 Finally, Hank presented his class with a gift, in honor of his birthday. 
Now one of Hank's current favorite books, Frogs, sits proudly on his classroom library shelf.

We are so grateful for the wonderful, caring MSE community where Hank is blossoming.

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