Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New Friends!

We met the Weinbergs through our synagogue
and they invited us over for dinner and play. 
 Even in the freezing cold water Hank and Rochelle had a blast!

So great to make new mountain friends!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday with Poohpa

Hank spent this morning playing with Poohpa and Cindy at their house in Berthoud. 
 The highlight of Hank's morning?  Running through the sprinklers!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Good Friends, Good Times

Our friends from Lafayette, The Rabes and "Nana" Pat,
came to visit us at our new home in Evergreen. 
Jennie was excited to come to the mountains and Hank was excited she came, too.
Thanks for coming out to play! 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Escalator Excitement

After Sierra's birthday party, we had dinner in the mall. 
  What was Hank's favorite part?  Riding the escalator wtih Poohpa, of course!

Sierra's Seventh Birthday Party

This afternoon we headed to Superior for Sierra's super seventh birthday party
at Lollilocks hair salon. 
Hank had no problem hanging out with all the girls.
He got to spend some time with both Grandma
and Poohpa, too.
Happy Birthday, Sierra!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Blueberry Breakfast

Hank is really into cooking and baking these days. 
 This morning he helped make blueberry pancakes from scratch. 
After two pancakes, two pieces of bacon and a cup of chocolate milk, he's ready to start his day!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cousin Carolyn comes to CO!

Mommy's cousin, Carolyn, came to visit us while she was in town for a conference.  We ran through the rain, played basketball, cooked and caught up on all the years that have gone by . . .
Here's the last picture of just the two of us.  Yep, it's definitely been way too long!!
Hank warmed up to Carolyn quickly as he and Carolyn played "airplane."
Thanks for visiting, Carolyn! 
 Sending you back home to CA with big CO cousin cheer!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Snack Happy Friends

Hank's friends from the Boulder JCC, Zev and Ari, spent the day with us.  
What fun!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Tire Time

Hank is trying out every playground in Evergreen this summer. 
This morning, he discovered the thrill of the tire swing.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hank, Bella and Max

 Hank's good friends, Max and Bella, are from our old neighborhood in Lafayette.  
We see them regularly, but every time we try and get a picture of the trio, it just doesn't go so well. 
 This entry is a tribute to their first official good group picture!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hiking the Trails

Finding stroller friendly hikes in Evergreen are hard to come by, but the Alderfer Open Space park was a perfect introduction for Hank to Mommy's passion.
Once the terrain became interesting, Hank decided to explore the boulders and wooded areas. 
Radar got into the action, too (in the background).
 What a great hiking team!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Big Family Play Date

It was a big morning at our house. 
Aunt Rachel, Sierra, Ryder, Poohpa and Cindy all came over for a family visit.
We started off with a hearty breakfast.
After bellies were full, it was time to head outside.  The kids rode bikes,
 explored the slide,
went on the swings,
and ran around having a blast.
Hank played catch with Poohpa, too.
Thanks, family, for coming to enjoy our new home with us - until next time!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July 2012

There may not be fireworks this year, but we didn't let that slow us down a bit. 
This year, we went to the Indian Hills 4th of July Celebration and Parade.
Hank and his friend, Eli, watched the parade stroller style.
Ari also befriended the Crash Test Dummies.
 To top it off, a helicopter flew in to greet the kids.
Wow - what a treat!
 Happy Fourth of July!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Belated Mother's Day Photo

It took some time, but we finally got a good shot of Mommy and Hank
 (and Radar, of course). 
Now if we can manage to get a full family photo with Daddy, too,
 we'll be in GREAT shape!

Sunday, July 1, 2012