Sunday, September 18, 2011

September Cousins' Play Date in Nederland

What's a trip to Nederland without riding the carousel?  Hank could hardly contain his excitement . . .
 Hank took a second ride, and this time, Daddy joined him.  What a treat!
 Afterward, it was back to his cousin's house where Aunt Rachel put together a picnic lunch for the kids.
 It's so nice to watch Hank spend time playing with his cousins!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Play and Learn at the Boulder JCC

For the past three weeks, Hank and Mommy have spent Fridays mornings at the Boulder JCC for a Play and Learn program.  Here Hank has been getting exposure to all the fun stuff he'll see and do at the preschool next August.
Besides playing the car and trains, Hank really digs the fun hats.  
After some free play, Hank gets to eat challah for snack. 
 Hank quickly learned to patiently wait for his yummy morning treat!
After snack, moms and kids head to the tumble room for more play followed by music with Leah. 
 Leah teaches us lots of fun Shabbat songs.
We're proud to see Hank grow and flourish at the PAL program!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday Morning With Grandma Marcy

Today we went to breakfast with Grandma Marcy. 
 While we were eating, a balloon man came by and he could make everything and anything out of balloons.
 He made Hank a  yellow doggy, just like our dog, Radar.
 Hank was quite pleased with his surprise!
 After breakfast, we all returned to Grandma's home where Daddy and Hank explored the fountain.
 Then Hank discovered the puddles and had so much fun getting wet that we stripped him down to his diaper.
 Once Hank tired of the puddles, he was off and running with Grandma's walker.
 Grandma Marcy even took Hank for a ride on the walker.
What a beautiful Sunday morning!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mommy's Birthday!

For Mommy's 36th birthday, 
Daddy and Hank took Mommy for a ride on the paddle boats at the lake by our house.  
After that, it was a day full of playground fun and a trip to the ice cream shop.
Once night time came, the babysitter took over, and Mommy and Daddy drove into Boulder for a night of sushi and sake.  Check out our dinner . . . 
 And yes, we ate every last bite!
 Thanks to my boys for a great birthday!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Washing Dishes

Hank loves to wash the dishes.
Is laundry next?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nightie Night!

A post bath and pre-bedtime snack . . . 
What a great way to end the day!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fountain Fun

Today Hank explored the fountains in downtown Lafayette.
 Hank was thrilled to be drenched from head to toe.
 He took a break from the fountains to walk around with his new friend, Rose, whom we met a couple weeks ago at the park.
 Soon it was snack time and the kids did a great job of sharing.
 As a special treat, Hank got to eat his very first ice cream cone ever.  Yum!
 Playing in the fountains is definitely fun!