Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Cool Day at Copper Mountain's Crittertown

The Zatzkins ,our good friends of many, many years, are in town from Houston! 
 Soooo, we headed  to the Copper Mountain ski resort. 
Here's Brian enjoying the slopes.
 Meanwhile, Hank got to hang out with the ladies. 
He started his morning off with his very first hot cocoa ever. 
The verdict? 
 "That's my favorite!"
After the warmup, it was off to Crittertown. 
Up first was tubing.
Check out the raw footage:
After a long day, Erica, Hank, Blue Blanket and Green Blanket made their way back to the car.
What a great day . . . and guess what, next time Hank wants to ski!

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