Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day at the Children's Museum

What do you do on Mother's Day when the weather is less than ideal?
Head to the Children's Museum!
It was our very first time here, so seeing and playing on a big fire truck right when we walked in made for an awesome start to our morning.
There was so much to explore, such as bubbles, from little bubbles that Hank could pop with his fingers . . . 
  to big bubbles he could pop with his entire body.  
 In the building area, Daddy taught Hank how to use a saw, and after a few practice rounds, 
 Hank was sawing on his own (we see a future filled with lots of great Daddy/Hank workshop days)! 
 Right before we left, Hank even painted Mommy a special Mother's Day picture.
A wonderful Mother's Day, indeed!

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