Sunday, January 8, 2012

23 Month Update

Only one more month to go before Hank is officially two years old.  In the meantime, he's blossoming!
       Hank's spoken vocabulary is growing daily.  Although he isn't speaking in full sentences, he understands everything we say, he names what he wants and is very good with saying "please" and "thank you."  He especially enjoys counting to 10 now and he often requests that we join in the fun.  Reading is still a favorite and he wants us to name the letters he sees.  This experience is quite fun for him, as he usually ends up laughing hysterically. Trucks and trains totally rule, too.  Hank points trucks out on every car ride, zooms them around the house and loves to read books about them.  Oh, balls are still on his favorite toy list (the picture says it all)!

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