Friday, September 16, 2011

Play and Learn at the Boulder JCC

For the past three weeks, Hank and Mommy have spent Fridays mornings at the Boulder JCC for a Play and Learn program.  Here Hank has been getting exposure to all the fun stuff he'll see and do at the preschool next August.
Besides playing the car and trains, Hank really digs the fun hats.  
After some free play, Hank gets to eat challah for snack. 
 Hank quickly learned to patiently wait for his yummy morning treat!
After snack, moms and kids head to the tumble room for more play followed by music with Leah. 
 Leah teaches us lots of fun Shabbat songs.
We're proud to see Hank grow and flourish at the PAL program!

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