Monday, August 15, 2011

18 Months Old

It's update time again!
Here's what's going on with Hank:

Hank is officially a walker. It happened mid July and now there's no turning back! Hank babbles constantly and is big into communicating with sign language. He loves reading, Sesame Street, balls, being outside, and playing on all the playground equipment.

Hank transitioned down to one 2-2.5 hour nap about a month ago. He still sleeps around 12 hours at night, which helps all of us get our rest.

As for food likes/dislikes, he still is not a big milk fan unless it is disguised in shakes, oatmeal, cereal, etc. Protein is not his favorite, either, although his likes his chicken/apple sausage and a bit of bacon. He also LOVES the sweet corn soup at Chili's Restaurant.

As for his stats, he weighs in at 22 lb. 7oz (10th%), is 32.5 inches long (75th%) and has a head circumference of 18 7/8 inches (above the 50th%).

He is healthy and happy!!

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