Tuesday, March 8, 2011

13 months old

Now that Hank is 13 months old, it's time for an update . . .

Hank has his very first molar poking through, so he's up to 9 teeth total now. Hank will tell you (and so will Mommy and Daddy) that getting molars is just no fun!

He loves stacking cups, throwing balls, turning the pages in books and putting things in containers and of course, taking them out. His daily stroller rides are still a major highlight of each day - he chats up a storm the whole time!

Hank loves dairy foods such as yogurt and cheese. He still really likes jarred baby food, too. His favorites are Earth's Best Pear Apple Oatmeal, Earth's Best Apple Yogurt Oatmeal and any pureed fruit. Gerber's Lil Crunchies (baby cheetos) are his favorite appetizer, brocolli is his main green veggie and the little guy has a sweet tooth, too, which we satisfy now and then with a bit of an organic pop tart or cookie. Our little guy also loves to feed himself using his fork and spoon.

As far as nursing goes, Hank nurses 3 x day (just before naps and bed) for about 5 minutes per session. He's well on his way to being fully weaned in the next couple of months. He still takes two naps each day (about 1.5 hours each) and sleeps for 12 hours at night. He even knows how to turn on one of his crib toys by himself now - BONUS!

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