Monday, February 15, 2010

Hank's First Valentine's Day

Hank got to meet his Aunt Rachel, Uncle Stan and Cousins Sierra and Ryder today. Sierra just couldn't get enough of Baby Hank!

Hank also had his first sponge bath at home on Valentine's Day. Soon we'll graduate to a real baby bath tub - rub-a-dub-dub!

Finally, Hank is getting a little bit of extra help with adjusting to the altitude in Evergreen. He is on oxygen up here in the mountains until his lungs get a bit stronger. Just part of being a mountain baby . . .

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you created a blog! I also LOVE how "motherly" you look giving Hank a bath. it just makes me oh so happy to see you so very happy!

    I'm coming into town during my spring break. It'd be fun to see you!
