Saturday, September 27, 2014

Alana's Three Months Old

 Alana is three months old! 
She weighs 12.6 pounds, eats every 3.5 hours, gets through most nights with just a dream feed 
(she still wakes up around 4am and self soothes until 6am nursing session),  
is starting to roll onto her side, and is really learning to enjoy cuddling! 

She's never without her lovie, aka "lambie." 
Of course, now she is aware of our beloved Radar, and Alana just loves him.
 Radar gives her lots of kisses and a warm, cozy spot to relax.
 Alana also gets lots of love from Aunt Rachel and Sierra - yay for the girls!
Most importantly, Alana loves snuggling with her big brother the best!
 Ah, three months old is a great age to be . . . 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Learning to Sleep Through the Night

Alana has been sleeping through the night with just a dream feed at least 3-4 times a week for the past few weeks (since 8 weeks). Looking forward to when it is every night!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Alana's Baby Naming

Alana had her baby naming at Congregation Beth Evergreen (CBE) today. Daddy held her up for all to see (like Simba in the Lion King). :-) 
 Rabbi Jamie said the prayers, unwraped Mommy's tallit and gave Alana her Hebrew name, Chava. Chava is Alana's paternal great grandmother's name. 
 Brian Zatzkin had the honor of holding Alana as we all wrapped her.
 Congratulations, Alana, on becoming a member of our Jewish community, and thank you, Brian for being part of this meaningful day!