Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Purim Circus Fun

After much debate, Hank decided to be a clown for Purim this year.
 He got to join all the other kids at Beth Evergreen's religious school for the big Purim Carnival, where Mommy teaches. Here he is shaking his grogger during the Purim Schpiel - boo Haman!
 Hank's favorite part of the carnival was the donut eating contest. He and his friends had 3 minutes to try and get a bite of a donut, no hands allowed. 
 Through sheer determination, Hank did finally get a bite. Happy Purim!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

First Spring Hike of 2014

The weather was perfect for our first Spring hike of 2014. 
 The hike we love best is right across our street - perfect for climbing and finding things in nature.
 We'd say Radar's pretty happy with the accommodations.
 Ah, it'll only get better from here!