Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lunch Date

Here's Hank and his friend/neighbor, MJ, experiencing fine dining at its best. 
 They highly recommend the Mac 'n Cheese.  :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cousin Carolyn's wedding

This weekend Daddy and Hank stayed home so Mommy could head to Napa Valley to celebrate her cousin Carolyn's wedding.  

 Here Mommy is with her cousins Peter, Jordan, Sharon, David and Lisa.
 Before the wedding, Mommy went hiking with her cousin Jordan and his wife, Heather. 
 Can you believe there are other hikers in the family?!  
The wedding was absolutely beautiful.
Here's Mommy's Aunt Janice and Uncle Jerry walking Carolyn down the aisle.
 Here's to Carolyn and Jacob, "Carob."  Congratulations and we wish you the very, very best!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Goats Galore

Today we went to a local goat farm to see some baby goats.
 Hank found the nursing process to be quite fascinating. 
 Here he is checking a goat's udders.
Of course, Hank had to check out the baby goats, too.

He even tried to play fetch with a goat, but . . .
no such luck.

 Ah, life at a goat farm!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Balance Bike Boy

Our friends, the MacDonalds, passed along their Strider bike to Hank - thanks so much!
 Let a lifetime of biking fun begin!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

An Early Family Passover Celebration

 Yep, it's that time of year again! 
 Hank's cousins, aunt, and grandma were all here to celebrate
 a Passover family tradition at our house.
Hank made matzah balls with Sierra,

 Ryder and Sierra had fun being silly with Grandma Marcy, 
 and Daddy got big hugs from the kids.
  Ah, isn't Passover with family the sweetest!