Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gobble Gobble!

It was a day full of Thanksgiving play at our house this year.  
Grandma Marcy, Aunt Rachel and cousins Sierra and Ryder were all here to celebrate.
Hank had a great time.  Sierra made Hank laugh all day!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Paul's Here!

Mommy's friend of 13 years, Paul, came to visit for this past weekend.  Last time Paul visited, Hank was 15 months old and so much has changed. 
 Instead of chasing a crawler, Paul helped us chase a toddler.  He even taught Hank how to color in a coloring book.  Elmo was Hank's favorite character, of course.
 Thanks for spending the weekend with us and hopefully, we'll see you again soon!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Great Bark Park

Today we went to the Lafayette Dog Park.  
There's nothing better than seeing smiles all around!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

21 Months Old

Hank is all smiles at 21 months old!
Hank now loves to dance, especially to the Laurie Berkner Band.  Books and balls are also still favorites, as is pushing around strollers.  So far, Hank doesn't like the snow or any of the gear you must wear in order to play in it . . . hmm, maybe sledding will change his mind?