Sunday, June 26, 2011

Busy Pool Sunday

After Hank's morning "coffee," we went to check out the Lafayette outdoor community pool.
Once there, Hank immediately took to the water in the kiddie pool.
The floatie that he initially hated became his friend as he discovered the freedom it allowed him.
Just before leaving for the day, we all admired the snow capped mountains behind us.
Where else but Colorado do you get a view like this from the pool?!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Summer Toys

Hank got a sand and water table today. Thanks Daddy for putting it together!
Hank had so much fun that he just had to invite over his friend, Jennie.
This is good stuff!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hank's First Battle Wound

It was bound to happen!
Concrete doesn't play fair, does it?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

When Ari got up this morning, Hank surprised him with a photo collage and finger painting masterpiece.
Hank was so excited to be in his daddy's arms.
We love you, Daddy!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pool Time

Today Hank got to swim at a neighborhood pool. He liked his floatie for all of one minute before refusing to use it again. He only wanted Mommy to hold him on the side of the pool while he practiced swimming and even putting his face in the water.
So Hank let Jennie borrow the floatie for the remainder of the time. Jennie thought the floatie was a great way to relax!
Between Hank's brief periods of time in the pool, he crab crawled around everywhere, climbed on chairs, watched a cat, and occasionally took a break to snack.
Good times!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lookin' Like His Daddy

At 16 months old, it is very clear that someone takes after his Daddy!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hank's First Steps

Although they are very intermittent and few,
Hank took his first steps (2-3) into Mommy's arms today.
It won't be long before Hank's a walker!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bye, Bye High Chair

I now eat at the big boy's table! REALLY!!
Highchairs are for babies, not for me!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Friends Already!

It's our first week in Lafayette and Hank has already made a new friend!
Jennie lives just down the street. Looks like play dates are already underway!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Settling In . . .

We moved away from the mountains this past weekend and we are now settling into our temporary home in Lafayette.
Hank has adjusted beautifully and loves the heat and playing with water outdoors on the deck. Here's to all types of new adventures coming our family's way!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Goodbye Hike with Suzanne and Brody

Today we took our last hike in Evergreen before moving out of our mountain home. As excited as we are to see whether we return to the mountains or settle near Boulder, we will miss so much about the life we've built here over the past 5 plus years.

We will especially miss Brody and Suzanne, my dear friend and my honorary mom.
After hiking for an hour, it was time for our last dip in Bear Creek.
While Hank just got his feet wet, Radar and Brody took it all in. Radar will miss his buddy so much.
Here's to memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you Suzanne and Brody for filling them with laughter and love over these past couple of years.