Thursday, May 26, 2011

On The Move

Turn up the volume and get your move on, Hank style!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Keep on Trikin'

Hank just got his very own tricycle and has learned to hold on and enjoy the ride.
Chillin' and cruisin' . . .
That's just the way Hank rolls!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hank at 15 months old

Here's what up with our "sunshine" boy!
Hank had his 15 month check up today. He has grown 2.5 inches since his first birthday which is a major jump - he's now in the 75%tile for height. He has gained one pound over the past three months, which puts him on the skinnier side for now at 21 lb. 7.5 ounces - around the 12th%tile. His head circumference remains the same at 18.5 inches - 47th%tile.

Hank is not yet a walker, but he walks along every piece of furniture and is eager to try out walking toys. He'll get there soon enough. He's interested in climbing stairs, but hasn't quite worked up the courage to climb more than one. He also doesn't yet find cabinets fascinating, but toilets and Radar's food/water bowls are very, very cool.

Hank now has 13 teeth and eats all day long. He still doesn't like milk or meat, but he at least tries most new foods.

He's still a two nap a day kind of baby, but they are getting shorter and we anticipate transitioning down to one nap this summer.

As far as language goes, he talks constantly. Hank can clearly be heard saying "dog," "hot," "dadda," "momma," "yes," and "juice." He waves hello and goodbye, and signs when he's hungry or finished with an activity.

His favorite toys are balls and books. He loves to clap when he's done something he's proud of, too.

Oh, Hank has also learned to give kisses - wet, slobbery, open mouthed kisses, but super sweet ones, nonetheless!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Berthoud Bound

We had lunch with Grandpa and Cindy today. It was the first time Hank has seen them since his birthday in February when we traveled to their Florida home.
Cindy made homemade pizza and we ate a ton! Even Hank chowed down on the caramelized onions, garlic, balsamic reduction and homemade crust.
For dessert, Hank hung out with the adults in the living room while munching on watermelon.Glad everyone's back in Colorado for the summer!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

39 Birthdays . . .

Hank couldn't wait to help his Daddy celebrate his last brithday before the big 4-0!
It was a nice sunny day, so no better place to hang out than on the deck. Hank also couldn't wait to show Daddy his birthday gift.A new coffee mug with Hank's footprints. Hank made one last year, too. I think this may become a yearly tradition.Once Hank was down for the night, we enjoyed some wine and dinner with friends. Happy Birthday, Ari. We love you!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Visit with Paul

The last time Paul came to visit, Hank was just three months old.
What a difference a year makes.Hank wanted to play with Paul every moment of the day.Thanks for visiting - can't wait to chill out again!