Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cousin Alexander's Bar Mitzvah

Mommy's side of the family got together to celebrate Hank's cousin Alexander's Bar Mitzvah. Mommy's brother, Jeremy, held Hank tight - it was his first time to meet Hank. They got along fabulously!
Aunt Ali got her hugs and kisses in, too.
Finally, Mommy's cousin Sharon (the Bar Mitzvah boy's mom), squeezed the newest member of the Richman side of the family tight. Hard to believe that one day, Hank will be a Bar Mitzvah boy, too!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Take Off!

Hank took his first plane ride today and here's the proof!
We headed to the East Coast to spend time with friends and family in both the DC area and Ari's hometown of Wilmington, DE. Flying was a breeze for Hank. That's our happy, go lucky baby boy!
Hank charmed everyone, including the flight attendants.
Let's keep our fingers crossed that the flight home is just as good!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Greenberg/Matz First Camping Trip

For our first family camping trip, we stayed close to the Matz Family Farm (just in case) at a campsite in Nederland.
Ari chose a nice spot for our tent (pictured on the left).

First order of business was letting Hank eat. Sierra did a superb job of feeding Hank his carrots - he gobbled them all up!

After the boys went to bed, it was time to feed ourselves. We cooked up a feast of corn, potatoes, steak and chicken.

And no camping trip is complete without smores for dessert.

For the night's encore, Sierra gave us all glowsticks for a totally psychedelic experience. Then it was off to bed.

In the morning, Hank was all smiles in the tent.

Hank started his day in his daddy's arms.

Then it was time for a morning story.

As appetites built up for breakfast, Hank and Ryder hung out.

Hank finished the morning around the fire with some cuddle time with his Aunt Rachel.
After our bellies were full, it was time for one last hike.

Until next year when we do it all over again!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pre-camping Family Bonding

While the daddies were out setting up the camp site for our first family camping trip, the mommies and kids hung out at the Matz Family Farm.
Hank got big hugs from Sierra.
He got even more hugs when Aunt Rachel joined the fun.
We can't forget Ryder, who snuck in there, too, to make the cousin trio complete.
Camping, here we come!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Workin' It

Today we had a playdate at Mommy's friend Becki's house. While Becki's son, Luke, was napping, Hank was showing off his tummy muscles.
Hank had such a good time with Becki, he even had to work his smile! Maybe next time we can get Hank and Luke to play together :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

Now that Hank has dropped his late afternoon nap, we can join our friends at the dog park.
Radar is thrilled that we are joining him (our neighbor, Suzanne has been taking Radar for the past year)!
Even Hank is diggin' getting his feet wet. Gotta take advantage of these last weeks of summer!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

All About Books

Mommy has been reading to Hank ever since he's been born, but Hank really wanted absolutely nothing to do with books until this week. Now he loves to turn the pages and chew on the spines. Ah, our book boy has emerged!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Good Morning!

Hank used to like to be in the jumparoo first thing in the morning. No more.
Now it's all about floor time.
Hmmm, perhaps this is a sign that it's time to start getting ready for baby-proofing!

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Rules of Eating

Who wants to be fed when you can feed yourself?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Six Months Old and Blossoming

Yep - it's been half a year already! Here's what's going on with Hank . . .

Hank now weighs 16 lbs. 12.5 oz. (40th%tile).

He is 26.5 inches long (60th%ile) and has a head circumference of 17.25 inches (50th%ile).

Hank can sit when supported and can roll from his back to his belly.

He enjoys sleeping on his side and banging his feet on his crib mattress, too.

Hank currently likes sweet potatoes, winter squashes, pears, apples and yogurt. He's not really into the green veggies or oatmeal/barley/rice cereals.

Hank breastfeeds 5 times a day (one is dreamfeed). He does not take a bottle or a pacifier. He has one tooth.

Currently, Hank takes 3 naps a day (2 hours each), but is showing signs that he is ready to drop his late afternoon nap. He goes down for the night at 6PM and starts his day at 6AM. No nap or sleep is complete without his blanket.

While we look forward to the next developmental milestones, we are also simply enjoying the journey along the way!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Perfect Day Out on the Porch

After waking up from a 3 1/2 hour nap, Hank chilled out with Grandpa,
cuddled with Cindy,
snuggled with Mommy and Daddy,
and oh yeah, . . .
got extra doses of kisses, too!

Friday, August 6, 2010

No Bottle Baby

Ah, no worries. We're moving on to the sippy cup. Looks like Hank likes the ones with a straw. One day he may even be able to get some water out of it. At least he's enjoying the beginning of "sippy cup school."

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A New BOB Perspective

After six months of being in his car seat when going for walks in the BOB, Hank sat in the BOB like a big boy.

It was a bit strange for him and he wasn't quite sure what to think about the whole thing.

So, Radar gave Hank a quick pep talk.

After that, Hank was ready to stroll!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Knock, knock. Who's there?

We had unexpected visitors at our front door today.
Come again soon!