Saturday, July 31, 2010

Date Night

It's been almost six months, but it finally happened. Tonight we celebrated our first date since Hank's been born . . .
We look forward to many more!

Menu Planning

Books have not been at the top of Hank's "favorite" things, so today when he became enthralled with Mommy's recipe book, we just went with it. He spent 5 minutes thumbing through it - he loved the pictures. Maybe we'll put him in charge of planning this week's menu . . . then again, maybe not.

Vista Bound

Before being pregnant with Hank, hiking to the vista of a trail right near our house used to be a frequent, if not daily, event. Even though it had been over a year since Radar and I hiked here, Radar took off like we'd never missed a day!

Ah, the vista. How we missed you! One day, Hank will experience your wonderment, too!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sending a Shout Out to Max . . .

Hank can't quite sing yet, so instead, he's sending a big smile to his cousin Max in honor of Max's 3rd Birthday! We love you, Max!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lights, Camera, Action!

Thanks to a lead from Hank's Aunt Rachel, Hank got a call from Cousin Sierra's talent agent, requesting him for a photo shoot for the Boppy baby pillow company.
Hank had so much fun that the photographer took pictures of him for 45 minutes straight. Who knows - maybe we'll see Hank in an ad or on a product in a few months!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chomp, Chomp!

Hank's first tooth appeared today. If you look closely, you can see it on his bottom gum - his first chomper!

Friday, July 23, 2010

It's Good To Be The Hankster

What luck! Hank woke from his nap and found family just waiting to dote on him.
It doesn't get much better than this!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Playmate Already!

Hank had his first real playdate today. He loved exploring some new toys that belong to Zach, our neighbor's grandson, who is about 6 months older than Hank. We have a funny feeling that these two will one day be double TROUBLE! :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sierra's Five!

We helped celebrate Sierra's fifth birthday today. Sierra was all smiles at the Carousel of Happiness in Nederland.
Hank had a great time chillin' out with Ryder and Grandpa.
We even got a snapshot of three generations of Greenbergs!
Of course, nothing's complete without a bit of sisterhood, too . . .
And as for Hank . . .
We think he can get used to this partying thing!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Daddy's Coming Home Tonight!

Ari's been away on business most of the week, so when Hank found out that his daddy was coming home tonight, he couldn't contain his excitement . . . By the way, Mommy's pretty excited, too!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What a Deal!

Look what we found at our local resale shop! A 39 cent toy which suctions to Hank's Bumbo so that no one has to pick up the toys that keep falling off the tray. Yay - everyone wins on this purchase!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rock and Roll . . .

Today was another day full of "firsts." It was the first time Daddy carried Hank in the Ergo. Hank was sooo tired by the time we got back home (the look on his face says it all).
Then, during nap time, Hank rolled over from his back to his belly. He needed help flipping back over, but hey, it's his first roll!
Let the good times roll Hankster!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Back on Grandpa's Farm

Even though it's been a month since we last visited Grandpa and Cindy in Berthoud, some things just don't change like . . .





Friday, July 9, 2010

Boys of Summer

These are the days . . .
And boy, oh boy, are they fun!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sing Me a Song

Ari's buddy, John, was in town and he put on an impromptu concert just for Hank.
Nothing like a front row seat. Thanks, John!

Five Months and Counting . . .

Turning five months old is enough to make anyone blush! Actually, those rosy cheeks are part of Hank's natural complexion. Ah, how sweet . . .

Hank is doing more and more these days, too. He can turn himself around 180 degrees in his crib, is working on turning over from back to front and enjoys eating avocados, butternut squash and his favorite, his toes!

Smile on, little man!