Sunday, May 30, 2010

Daddy and Hank time . . .

Some everyday moments are just too precious to not share . . .

Friday, May 28, 2010

Off to School

Hank and Mommy went to her school to visit her students
just before the end of the year.
Here's to summer vacation!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A New Toy . . .

You've gotta get some of these things called feet - they're a lot of fun!

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Visit from "Uncle" Paul

Mommy's longtime friend, Paul, came from Florida for a surprise visit this past weekend. Hank took to his "Uncle" Paul right away.
We took a road trip to Colorado Springs. Check out Pike's Peak in the background . . .
We experienced some crazy wind that weekend that knocked out the power for over 8 hours. It didn't slow us down, though. We just played games by candlelight!
Thanks for visiting, Paul! We can't wait to see you again - next time will be in Florida!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Back on the Trails

Today was our first day back on the trails.
Hank slept, Radar rolled in the mud,
and Mommy got some fresh air and adult time with her friend, Erin.
Ah, how wonderul to enjoy the mountains on a beautiful, spring day!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Stroll

The snow from the past few days is gone, the sun is shining and the "Hankster" is smiling! Thanks Daddy for capturing this moment!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Just because . . .

It's so nice to wake up happy after a nap! How was YOUR nap today? :)

Hold on Tight!

Hank has started to grab and hold onto lots of things now . . .
Watch out, Daddy, looks like Hank's preparing himself for taking the car for a spin!

Dinner Date with Nicole

Our neighbor, Nicole, came over for dinner.
It was Hank's first time meeting her.
Hanging out with Nicole gave Hank sweet dreams!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ari's Birthday

Hank greeted Daddy this morning with a handpainted mug for his birthday.
Check out Hank's footprint . . .
Daddy was very pleased with the mug, but even happier to just be with Hank.
What a great birthday!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Our First Mother's Day

Meet one very proud mommy . . .

Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Beauty Sleep

Guess who can sleep through the night now
(with one dreamfeed @ 10pm)?
That's right - Hank (and Mommy, too)! Yay for everyone, including Daddy, who gets to enjoy his well rested wife and baby!