Monday, July 6, 2015

Ilana's One Year Checkup

Our baby girl is a healthy, happy one year old! 
She is 30 inches long (75th%) and 20 lbs (25th%). 
She loves cheese and any food with pasta, but so far, does not care for cow's milk. 
She still nurses on demand, takes 2 naps a day and sleeps from 6PM-6AMish.  
Ilana loves all electronics, especially remote controls - and she can spot a fake "pretend" one from a mile away. She is already trying to stand on her own, too! She just loves her big brother and can't wait to play with him each day. Henry loves her, too!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Turning One in the Sun

We headed to FL for a family vacation and celebrated Ilana's 1st Birthday, as well! 
While Ilana took her morning naps, Henry, Daddy and Grandpa hit the beach.

 Then came Ilana's first birthday. 

Lots of family memories in the making!