Sunday, May 31, 2015

Hiking Boys

The whole family hiked at Elk Meadow this morning. It was a two hour, 2.5 mile hike and Henry made it the whole way. He and Daddy enjoyed a couple of well deserved snack breaks, too!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ilana at 11 months

Just recently, Ilana started crawling a lot. In addition to that, she woke up one morning with two new teeth - that's a total of 5 chompers. She is growing and changing quickly!
Ilana has also started to become a bit more picky about food and likes to have a wide variety from which to choose. She still doesn't like utensils, either. We also finally got rid of the last of her cradle cap - stubborn stuff!
Wherever you see Ilana, you will also see her Lambie. They are inseparable.
Ilana still nurses and when she doesn't get milk served right away, she bites her mommy's shoulder - ouch! We are looking forward to her developing a love of cow's milk once she's a year old ;)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Crazy Sock Day

Henry wore his socks on his hair for crazy sock day this year at school. They didn't stay in very long, but it was a very clever idea!