Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ilana is Ten Months Old

Here's what's going on with our little Ilana:
Ilana can sign "all done" and "milk". She understands additional signs such as "eat" and "dog." 
She likes to clap and have you clap for her
She loves meat, especially sausage and hot dogs. She is just now starting to have food preferences.
She has three teeth (the third is one of her upper front teeth)
She almost always sleeps through the night (6PM-6AM)
She only knows how to drink from a straw - no traditional sippy cups (we're working on this)
She can crawl backward (push herself backward), but isn't yet crawling or pulling herself forward
She loves playing with hot wheels cars (that's what happens when you have an older brother)

*** just days after turning 10 months, Ilana sat up from a laying down position for the very first time.