Friday, March 27, 2015

Ilana is 9 Months Old

     Here's what's going on with our little 9 month old girl!
  • typically sleeps through the night from 6PM-6AM
  • takes two 1.5 hour naps each day (8:30-10 and 1:00-2:30)
  • wants to be held most of the time
  • scoots herself 1-2 feet when sitting, but no forward action in terms of crawling
  • eats everything you give her, but only wants to feed herself - not very interested in utensils
  • loves sippy cups with straws. Not quite sure what do to with other types of sippy cups
  • loves her "lambie" for naps/bedtime
  • wants to do everything herself 
  • very sensorial - wants to touch and taste everything

Monday, March 23, 2015

We're Officially Hiking in a Backpack Carrier

Now we are ready for some real hiking adventures!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spring Family Visits

Grandpa came to town to visit. Ilana was clearly thrilled!

 And the weather was perfect for an outdoor play date with the cousins. 
 What a great time!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Purim 2015

Purim is here and the kids loved getting dressed up 
before the big carnival at Congregation Beth Evergreen.
(well, Mommy forgot to bring the cow hat that goes with Ilana's costume - oops)!
 We had a blast with all our friends, including Rabbi Jamie! 
Now, let's eat some hamantashen!!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Bruce and Elaine Come To Visit

Mommy's cousin, Bruce, came with Aunt Elaine to visit us for the weekend. 
It was Elaine and Ilana's first time meeting. They were instant friends.
Ilana took to Bruce very quickly, too. So much snuggling.
And we can't leave out a quick photo op in between sledding runs!

We also got to sneak out of the house Saturday night for a grown up night out on the town.

Sunday morning, it was finally time to say our goodbyes.
Henry gave Bruce and Elaine a farewell, "Shake Your Booty" dance.
We even snuck in a family photo - a miracle!

Until our next visit - we love you!!