Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ilana is 7 months old!

Here's the update on little Ilana:

- she's a sitter and has been for about a week now. A whole new world has now opened up for her!
- She easily rolls from her back to her belly, but after that, she's stuck. We've had one night where she woke up and Mommy had to turn her back over.
- Ilana sleeps through the night about 75% of the time. If she doesn't make it, she usually wakes around 9PM for one last nursing session.
- she loves solid food and eats them at breakfast and dinner. She enjoys having Radar lick her hands clean. . . the face, not so much.
- drank from a straw on the very first try. No need to learn how to use a sippy cup! That one's checked off the list . . .
- no teeth yet. Not even close.
- a tad bit of cradle cap left, but we are nearing the end, we hope ;)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sitting and a Roll

Today was a big day. 
Ilana sat up by herself for about one minute before falling over AND she rolled over from her back to her belly. Too bad she couldn't yet figure out what to do after that!