Monday, February 17, 2014

Our Family Trip to CA and Disneyland

Hank was so excited to visit CA for the very first time! 
The first part of our trip was filled with family - Mommy's Aunt Elaine and Cousin Bruce. 

The next morning, we enjoyed a big breakfast.
Then, Elaine joined us at the Science Center where Hank got to see a real space shuttle 
(or space ship, as Hank calls it).
He also got to experience hurricane force winds.

The next day, we headed to Disneyland - what a whirlwind of a day!
Hank's favorite rides were Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters and the Go Gadget Roller Coaster. 

And while waiting in lines, he loved riding on Daddy's shoulders and grab a bite to eat.

Hank even met Pluto.
 Our family really enjoyed our special time together, and Hank lasted 9 hours at the park - amazing!

On our last day morning before heading back home, we went to the beach. 
The water was freezing, but Hank didn't care. He LOVES the beach!!
Mommy got some last minute family photo time with Elaine, too.
This was our family's last big trip as a family of three, and it was AWESOME!
Thanks for all the memoires, CA!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Four, Glorious Four!

The difference between age 3, 3.5 and now 4 has been tremendous. Here's the update:

First, Hank is 38.8" tall (25th percentile) and and weighs 31 pounds (10th percentile).

Hank is kind, sensitive, extremely intuitive and eager to please. He loves swimming, pretend play, costumes, superheroes, Hot Wheels cars, trucks and his blankets. His favorite show is Octonauts and his favorite restaurant is Illegal Burger, where he enjoys Mac 'n Cheese nuggets. 

Hank's independence is growing by leaps and bounds. He gets dressed by himself, puts his clothes in the laundry chute, is almost completely potty trained (he's working on becoming accident free at night - no more pullups as of Feb 18th, 2014!), and is beginning to play more independently. Just a few days ago, he actually left his room during quiet time on his own. Gone are the good old days of his waiting patiently for us to come get him!

When Daddy needs a wrestling partner or help making coffee, plowing snow, mowing the lawn or fixing things around the house, Hank is eager to volunteer. He also enjoy hiking, vacuuming, baking, reading and snuggling with Mommy. 

When he grows up, he plans on being a super hero. Sounds like a plan to us! We love you, Hank!