Wednesday, December 4, 2013


We started off this year's once in a lifetime double celebration with our traditional Thanksgiving family get together with the cousins, Aunt Rachel and Grandma Marcy. Gobble, gobble!
  As the week of Hanukkah progressed, we partied with the Pokornys.
 Hank tried his very first latke with his friend, Mira.
 Then, for dessert, Hank and Mira made candy dreidels. Yum!
 Grandpa (formerly Poohpa) came to visit, as well. We celebrated Shabbat together,
and played with toys together, too.
 At the end of the holiday whirlwind, 
we all headed to the Matz Family home for one last day of Hanukkah fun.
What a remarkable and memorable Thanksgivukkah!