Sunday, September 29, 2013

From Sick to All Smiles

Four days ago, the crud hit Hank hard. Today, Hank's bad to his old self. Yay!!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dads and Kids Camping Weekend

Hank got to go camping with his friend, Mira, near Colorado Springs. 
The dads were in charge and moms had the weekend free.

During the day, the kids built a really cool fort,
climbed huge boulders,
and finished up the evening with a great meal and campfire.
 Cheers to the dads and kids - what a great adventure!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sukkah Building Time

Sukkot starts tomorrow evening, so we all headed over to CBE to help build the congregation's sukkah.
Hank drilled in screws, 
  secured beams, 
 hammered in nails,
and checked out all the other power tools.
After all his help, the sukkah was soon complete.
 Today we celebrated the joy of building with our CBE community. 
Tomorrow we get to enjoy the fruits of our labor as we all dine under the stars!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Goofy Glasses

There's a new restaurant in Evergreen called Illegal Burger, and Hank loves it. Today we went there with Grandma Marcy. After ordering our food, the staff gave Hank these fun, bendable, Wikki Stix with his meal. Hank decided he wanted to make a pair of glasses. Hmmm, they may need some adjusting, but Hank sure didn't mind a bit!