Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Self Sufficient Hiker

Hank got his own hiking backpack, complete with a water bladder for immediate thirst quenching.
He was so excited to get going on our morning hike.
 Here's to hiking like a big boy!

Monday, August 26, 2013

A Super Start to School

Superman is excited for the new school year!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Space Ready

Today at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Hank ventured into space.
 Mission accomplished!

Sunday, August 18, 2013


We went camping this past weekend with our congregation's Family Chavurah down at Chatfield State Park.
 Here we are in front of our home away from home.
The weekend was full of fun, from hanging out at the beach to capturing treasures (frogs and salamanders) on the playground during a scavenger hunt.
After dinner Saturday night, we all participated in a community Havdallah service led by CBE's Rabbi Jamie.
Hank really enjoyed smelling the spices.
 Now that we know Hank's a champ at sleeping in a tent, we can't wait for next year's 2nd annual CBE Family Chavurah camping trip!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Three and a Half Years Old

Hank is 3 1/2 and that means it's time for an update:
Hank is highly verbal and very outgoing. He refers to himself as an "I Can Kid" and is kind, polite and fairly mellow. He loves to pretend to be various superheroes, and when he's in character, he insists on being addressed by his appropriate superhero name.

He's gotten good, really good on his balance bike, but is still a bit intimidated by bikes with pedals. He loves the pool and doesn't shy away from water, unless it's bath time. Hank really dislikes the idea of getting in the tub, but once in, he becomes a water boy once again. We hike a lot and Hank's favorite hiking spot is Red Rocks. When we're done hiking, biking, etc., Hank is known to say, "Yay, I have a healthy heart and strong muscles!"

Hank can dress and undress himself, except for putting on shirts and socks, which still prove to be a bit tricky.

Food Preferences
He's been trying new foods, but still avoids meat whenever possible, unless it's bacon. Hank will devour as many pieces of bacon as you can cook. Condiments and dressings are scary, unless you're talking about salsa and guacamole. They are in a league of their own.

Sleep Habits:
Two hour naptime is still in effect (1:30-3:30), although Hank only falls asleep a few days a week. Even though he's now in a big boy bed, he's has yet to discover the freedom of leaving his room (thank goodness).  Hank also refuses to sleep under any covers, but manages to still sleep for 12 hours at night with his blankets by his side.

Hank, we love you!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Radar at Red Rocks

Hank's favorite hike is the Trading Post trail at Red Rocks,
 right where Mommy and Daddy got married.
 You would've thought the blistering heat would spoil the joy, but everyone was all smiles
 (the shady rest stops helped quite a bit).

Saturday, August 3, 2013

An Enchanted Party

Hank's friend, Mira, had an enchanted birthday party full of fairies and gnomes.
Festivities included making magical wands and painting a house for the gnomes.
 Hank loved it all, and he even got to swing away at a pirate piƱata. What a great trip to Neverland!

Friday, August 2, 2013

A Morning at the Beach

Minutes from Red Rocks, where Mommy and Daddy got married, is Bear Creek Lake Park. It's our local "beach." Today we got there early with Hank's buddy, Adrian, who loved the sand.
Hank, on the other hand, preferred the water.
The beach always seems to have something for everyone.
Gotta enjoy summer while it lasts!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Batman's in the House!

Well, we went to the library for story time, but it was cancelled.
Instead, the librarians surprised the kids with face painting. Holy Batman!