Thursday, May 30, 2013

Table Talk

Hank and his Lafayette friend, Jennie, have gathered around the same coffee table for two years now. Today they had a very deep discussion regarding cutting pretend food and the physics of golf.
 Last year, they held a book club meeting at the table, and . . .
two years ago the table talk was all about how to figure out that mystery called "walking."
 Wonder what the next great table meeting will entail?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cousins are Coming!

Mommy has a lot of cousins, especially on her maternal side, which means Hank is getting introduced to a whole new set of first cousins once removed and second cousins, too!   Brad, Carly and Hank's newest cousin, Logan, came all the way from Manhattan for a Memorial Day vacation in Evergreen.
Last time Brad and Carly came was two years ago.
My, how our families have grown. 
You can never have enough family!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ryder's Fourth Birthday

Ryder had a gymnastics party and Hank had such a blast running and jumping on the trampolines, it was hard to even snap a picture until he was under the parachute.
It is quite clear that Hank had a great time (we did, too)!
 Happy 4th Birthday, Ryder!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

It's good to be the Momma!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Here Fishy, Fishy

We brought Grandma Marcy to the Aquarium for her birthday.
Hank loved the experience and even befriended this tiny fish.
Then a mermaid stopped by for a visit during lunch.
Hank and Daddy were mesmerized!
 Safe until next time . . .

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Poohpa and Planters

Poohpa and Cindy joined us today for our new monthly Home Depot Kids Workshop project.   
 Look at the herb planter Poohpa and Hank built.  What a great team!

Friday, May 3, 2013