Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Glee

 Spring is here, so Hank joined his cousins in Superior for a day of fun, warm, outdoor play.
Hank's favorite activity of the day . . . gliding at full speed down the hills at the park.
 Ryder soaked up the sun on the bleachers,
 and Sierra screamed with delight on her scooter.
Hank got to end his day with bathtime fun with Ryder.
Looks like all the kids will sleep well tonight.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Yom Ha'atzmaut - Israel's Independence Day

Today we participated in Congregation Beth Evergreen's (CBE) parent/tot class in honor of Yom Ha'atzmaut.  After a virtual trip to Israel with our tour guide, Grover, from Sesame Street, Hank got to write special prayers on the "Western Wall." 
 After that, he got to participate in a geological dig for coins and ancient pottery. 
 Althoug Hank would have dug in the sand all day, he finally made his way to the "cafe" where he tried many new Israeli foods.
 Here's to celebrating Israel's independence!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Swim Lessons

This shark loves the water. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

If You Build It, The Birds Will Come

It's springtime, so Hank raced on over to Home Depot to make his very own birdfeeder.
Daddy helped with some of the hammering,
but soon Hank was hammering away on his own.
 Then Hank put on the finishing touches with the help of his handy screwdriver.
Before he knew it, his birdfeeder was done.  Voila!

Future Leader Hard at Work!