Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lion Pride

Hank the lion caught a good snack before bed.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Fun Friday with Jennie

Today we traveled to Lafayette to visit our friends, the Rabes.  Hank and Jennie were silly and full of smiles. Can't ask for much more than that!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Parent Night at school with Daddy

Tonight was Parent Night at Hank's school.  Hank moved up to the primary classroom (ages 3-6) last week and he was thrilled to show off his new classroom to Daddy.  
 While there, Hank demonstrated some of his classroom "work" expertise:  
opening and closing latches, 
and using tongs.  
All this work and Hank's ready to get back to school in the morning! 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Joining JJ for his 3rd Birthday

 Today we headed to the Children's Museum to celebrate Hank's buddy, JJ's, 3rd birthday.  
The boys really got into playing with all the balls.
Hank also enjoyed being a firefighter as he practiced sliding down the pole.
 After working up an appetite, everyone enjoyed some lunch and cupcakes.
 What a great way to spend a good friend's birthday.  Happy birthday, JJ!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tots and Tu B'shevat

This morning we hosted an early Tu B'shevat seder at our home with our congregation's Tot Chavurah to celebrate the trees.
The kids had a great time trying various tree fruits and nuts.
 Hank especially liked sitting in Daddy's lap where he tried pistachios for the first time. He loved them!
Happy Birthday to the trees!