Friday, November 23, 2012

Extra Special Treat

Spending time with Grandma Marcy is always a treat, 
but enjoying frozen yogurt with her is especially sweet.

Thanksgiving Feast and Joy 2012

Bring on the humor and joy . . . Let's carve up a great family Thanksgiving!
First you need hugs from Cousin Ryder,
 then more bonding with Cousin Sierra.

 Finally, you need a successful group family photo! 
Thank you Aunt Rachel, Cousin Sierra, Cousin Ryder, and Grandma Marcy for gobblin' it up with us!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Toddler Thanksgiving Brunch

Hank's toddler class enjoyed a Thanksgiving brunch at a classmate's home.  We are so incredibly thankful for his wonderful teachers who have made his Montessori toddler school experience such a positive one.  Come January, Hank graduates to the primary classroom!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hitting the Trails

No better way to start the weekend. 
Let's go!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Winter Work

Today Hank helped Daddy clear away the snow.  First came the ATV - vrroom, vrroom.
 Then came the manpower - Hank's a super shoveler!
And what's work with no play?  Time to sled away . . .

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Family Photo Shoot

Family photos are tough with a dog and a toddler. 
 We now fully understand and appreciate professional family photo shoots!