Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wild Animals!

Hank is always on the hunt for wild animals on our hikes
 (preferably lions, dinosaurs or snakes).  
Although we haven't had much luck finding them, today we found elk in the neighbor's backyard. 
Totally wild! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

An Afternoon with Aunt Caryl

It was just over two years ago that we saw Aunt Caryl .  We treasure each and every visit.
Here's a picture from Caryl's last visit when Hank was 2 months old - wow!
 These visits mean the world to us.  Thank you, Caryl!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hank's First Dental Cleaning

Although Hank has been to a dentist before, this is the very first time he's had a real dental cleaning and x-rays.  We went to a new pediatric dentist in Evergreen that offers a jungle themed experience for kids, complete with waiting room "playground."

Before his cleaning, Hank got x-rays . . .
and an opportunity to feel the ticklish dental toothbrush.
 Then it was time for the official cleaning.
 Great News!  Hank is cavity free!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Farmer's Market Fun

Every Tuesday there's a Farmer's Market near our home. 
 Hank always rides the train when we go, but today, he got an extra special treat. . .
a Thomas the Train "leg" painting!  Choo choo!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Special Summer Sunday Afternoon

Poohpa and Cindy drove up to our house to spend some time with Hank. 
 Hank loved hanging out with them in the playroom, especially when he got to play catch with Cindy.
Ah, it's easy to soak up the summer sun when you're loved this much!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Two and a Half Years Old

  Now that Hank is 2 1/2 years old, here's what's going on  . . .
  • Hank weighs 27 pounds and is 35 1/2 inches long.  This puts him in the 25th%ile for both height and weight.
  • Hank began potty training this week.  He is catching on quickly, but has a ways to go.
  • Hank naps 2 - 2 1/2 hours a day and sleeps 12 hours at night.  All naps and bedtimes are made possible by Blue Blanket and Green Blanket.  Hank still sleeps in a crib.
  • Hank loves to bake, particularly when he gets to lick to bowl at the end.  His favorite foods are fummins (muffins), froo fries (french fries), apples, smoothies, big corn (corn on the cob) soup (with no lumpy things in it), skettis (spaghetti), soybeans, juice and chocolate milk.  He is still a self proclaimed vegetarian (except for an occasional piece of turkey bacon). 
  • Hank is very much into helping with household chores such as laundry, sweeping and cleaning the toilets.
  • Hank has many nicknames . . . Hankasaurus, Hankapotamus, Hankster, Hankie. 
  • Hank loves the water, from puddles to the pool.
  • Favorite toys include trains, trucks and musical instruments.
  • Tickle Time is his favorite game.
  • Books about trains, trucks and dinosaurs are at the top of his list.
  • Hank has now seen two movies (bits at a time, but movies still) - Cars and Finding Nemo.  He loves them both.
  • Hank is very much into his Daddy.  He is often quoted as saying, "Go way Mommy, please.  Bye, bye, Mommy, please."
  • Hank no longer fears haircuts. 
  • Hank can count up to 12.  He's learning the alphabet song and is proud to sing it to anyone who will listen.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Biking Boys

And they're off!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Back to the Beach

We were so excited to find a beach not far from Evergreen . . .
the Bear Creek Lake Park in Morrison, CO.
 Hank and his buddy, Eli, took full advantage of the water, rocks, sand and sun.
 Hank and Eli even shared toys on the way home.  Wow!  Now that's a successful morning!

Thursday, August 2, 2012